Sonic the Hedgehog - Hell


Okay, so a few years back, when I was first getting into creepypasta, I decided to write one myself. It was soon deleted for being absolutely fucking shit. Looking back... It really was terrible!

So I decided to re-write the pasta as accurately as I can for trollpasta wikia!

The Creepypasta

Hey, remember those old Sonic games on the Sega Genesis? I was always a huge fan of Sonic. I prefer the old ones, but I also do like playing the new
ones. So I was looking on eBay for an old copy of Sonic 1 to play on my Sega Genesis and relive those childhood moments. I found one copy in perfect condition for a mere $1.00 free postage! I was over the moon to see such a good deal! So I went ahead and bought it.
But little did I know that it would be the worst mistake of my life...
One day later, the cartridge arrived. Which was really fast, because these orders normally take about a week to confirm and arrive. But when I opened the packaging, I noticed that the cartridge wasn't in perfect condition after all. The label had been ripped off completely and just had a sticky-note with the word "SONIC" written on it crudely in marker. I was a little disappointed, but I didn't think much of it, I mean, I only paid $1 for the game. So I then put the game into my Sega Genesis and booted it up to play!
But little did I know that it would be the worst mistake of my life...
When the title screen popped up on the screen, the happy-go-lucky jingle played as usual, except Sonic was frowning! I was put off quite a bit, but I assumed that it was some sort of glitch, due to the poor condition of the cartridge. An odd glitch albeit, but some glitches can get a lot more extreme, so I didn't think much of it at the time. But I should have...
I pressed "Start" on my controller and the first level started up! Except instead of "Green Hill Zone Act 1", I got a level entitled "Leave Now Act 0". I now realized... that this was no glitch... and clearly some sort of bootleg. Naive as I was, I continued out of intense curiosity...
The level design and map was the exact same as "Green Hill Zone Act 1"'s, except all of the badniks were nowhere to be found. The music was the Green Hill theme, except it was played backwards! I also noticed that I somehow had 0 lives. This was unsettling, to say the least! Most people would probably turn of the game out of fear at this point, but I was one curious person, so I beat the level. I got to where the goal-post would normally be, but instead of a goal-post, there was just plains. The level continued, into more plains with no objects. I ran forward for a solid minute. I thought it was never going to end! But about 6 minutes in (which felt like an eternity), there was a SCREAMER! The screamer picture was a picture of Sonic dead with his guts coming out of his stomach and laying on the floor in front of him. The weird thing was, that this picture seemed to be high-defenition. Note that I was playing this on a 16-bit console, and my TV was old and couldn't do HD! After the screamer popped up, the ground was completely gone! I hopelessly fell, and as I got lower, the screen gradually got darker, and the music gradually faded away... When the screen was completely black, I sat in silence for about a minute...
After waiting, another level title flew in! But the blue logo was a dark blood red, and the level title was "Hell - Act 666". I sat, staring at the screen, my eyes wide open, my jaw nearly on the floor in shock! The logo flew away, and I was exposed to the horror that Sonic was sent too! The background was ambient and fiery, and even more HD than the screamer picture from before! As cliché as it might be... the background was... to a certain extent... Hyperrealistic! It looked like I could just reach in and enter this fiery realm! And as for Sonic himself, he was still a 16-bit sprite, but his fur was a lot paler than usual, and his eyes were completely black! No pupils, nothing! And I went from having 0 lives, to 666 lives! And the music... OH GOD THE MUSIC! The music at first sounded like a distorted haunting piano melody played backwards, but after a while, it started to drive me insane, and I don't think I can put into words how disturbing it was! I played on, and the level itself was very difficult! There were many many enemies, which I had to put my all in to avoid, and there were no rings, which made avoiding the enemies essential! This was also tedious because Sonic moved at a snails pace! After 2 minutes of this torture, I started drooling and groaning because of the FUCKING MUSIC, and I finally hit an enemy... Blood sprayed everywhere, taking up the entire screen! And then a Hyperrealistic picture of Sonic laying dead covered in guts faded in! Then the screen went completely black, with some words in the middle saying "You did this... and you're next!"
I was so scared that I screamed at the top of my lungs! I ripped the cartridge right out of my Genesis and threw it in the trash can! But the words were still on my screen! I tried unplugging my TV, but still, the words were there! So I went into my shed and pulled out a sledgehammer and destroyed my TV with it!
I never want to play any Sonic game ever again. Not after the experience I had...